Hong Kong Wedding Photographer | Wilson Tam »

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(Guest post from Genevieve)

“I stumbled randomly upon Wilson’s blog as I was doing my wedding research, and absolutely fell in love with his photographs. I loved that his pictures came across as natural and “un-posed”, yet were also so powerful in capturing the special, emotional moments of the day. What confirmed for me that I wanted Wilson to be my wedding day photographer, was that looking at the photographs of his blog made me feel like I personally was at the weddings he documented – I remember praying as I sent him an email, “Please God, let this guy be free on my wedding day!” In the lead up to my wedding, Wilson was super helpful and enthusiastic, emailing and reminding this disorganized bride to send him the run-down… He even volunteered to come to my wedding rehearsal! I was very impressed. True to his word (see the “About Me” on his blog), he was very unobtrusive on the day, though I could clearly see that he and his adorable assistant were working hard, running up and down the church taking photographs! They were very professional. I haven’t picked-up all my photographs from Wilson yet, but I’ve absolutely loved the ones he’s sent to me so far. In fact, one of the “samples” he sent me was published in an SCMP article. In terms of my choice of a wedding photographer, I couldn’t be happier.”


(Words from Wilson)

One of the happiest things to work with Genevieve and Aaron is that they granted me freedom to take whatever photographs I want to take. No interview had been scheduled before they decided to hire me as their wedding photographer. No any special requirements on their wedding day photographs. They just simply put their trust in me and believed that I could take good photographs for them. I really enjoyed taking photos on their wedding day. I am more than happy to have clients like them

You can learn more about their love story by clicking the image of the SCMP article.

Stacy Squires Photography - beautifully captured

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