I was so happy to take photos with Kitman and Sunny. Kitman is one of my former client’s sister (Cyrus + Jeannie). It was my honour to see her again and to participate in her wedding as a photographer. Enjoy the pictures!
What a great experience to being involved in a different culture wedding! Karima and Yu’s wedding ceremony was held in Kowloon Mosque and Islamic Centre in Hong Kong. Vivid traditional clothing, energetic kids running around and nice people were the main elements of their wedding. It was my honour to be their wedding day photographer. […]
(Guest post from Genevieve) “I stumbled randomly upon Wilson’s blog as I was doing my wedding research, and absolutely fell in love with his photographs. I loved that his pictures came across as natural and “un-posed”, yet were also so powerful in capturing the special, emotional moments of the day. What confirmed for me that I wanted […]
以下是取自Yuyuk和Welson教堂婚禮程序表上所印上的文章,是他們的感恩禱告文。我想這比我要為這輯相片想寫的感受來得更為適合。謝謝你們對我的信任。願主祝福你們的婚姻。 “感謝天父以愛為本創造了我們!我們的肺腑是祂所造的,在母腹中祂已經覆庇,認識我們。 感謝天父厚賜父母的養育,長輩的教導,好友和弟兄姊妹的相伴,並透過不同的際遇,成長經歷塑造了今天的我們。 出於祂的揀選,在特定的一刻,天父親自尋著了我們!祂救我們從罪中得釋放,並賜予全新且豐盛的生命。透過十字架上的犧牲,我們體會了完全及捨身的愛! 祂更是我們生命的主,掌管並引領我倆的人生路,賜予我們活著的使命和意義! 最後感謝主為我倆預備了最合適的配偶,好同行人生路,互相扶持,同心事奉。我倆願意把我們的家呈獻給上帝,作更美好的祭壇和器皿,終生榮神益人!阿們!” 如玉,永信